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Our Family

"No one gets me.

I’m all alone."

These are some of the feelings that plague parents and teens who have lost a parent.

We provide a ray of hope to thousands of children and teens coping with the loss of a parent.

Links, a project of Mishkan Yecheskel, supports children and teens who have lost one or both parents by connecting them with peers and mentors who have been through the same experience. 

Our programs include a yearly Shabbaton, a 24-hour hotline, targeted publications for each division, Yom Tov programs, trips, and more — yet the support we offer goes far beyond these programs.

If a child needs to go to camp and the funding isn’t there, Links will step in. If a kallah needs someone to go shopping with her, Links will step in. If a boy needs someone to prepare him for his bar mitzvah, Shlomie’s Club steps in. 

As members of the Links family, our children know that they are never alone. That their feelings are normal, and so are they. That there are people out there who get what it means to lose a parent. By surrounding them with a loving community of people who understand them, our children find the support, encouragement, and tools they need to keep going. They know that we’re in it together.

The Links Story

A Family Away from Home

It all began from a place of understanding. Sarah Rivkah Kohn, was 9 years old when she lost her mother in 1993. In 2006, she started a magazine for teenaged girls who had lost a parent, providing them with a platform to connect with other girls in the same situation as well as mentors and role models who had “been there” themselves.

The success of the magazine led to more programming, eventually becoming Links, a forum for girls to bond with and learn from others who share their experience.

In 2012, the Links family grew again when Mrs. Mimi Gross created Shlomie’s Club, extending the Links network of support to 100s of boys.

In 2017, the Little Links of Pearls division was created by Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai and Mirrel Eissenberg to provide support for elementary-aged girls.

Links has since developed into an international organization serving over 800 families. Today, Links runs programs for boys and girls around the world, from preschool through young adulthood.

Family Values

Our Principles

Dignity Matters

Losing a parent doesn’t mean losing the right to dignity and privacy. To preserve this dignity, we don’t run public fundraisers or print advertising campaigns with photos of our events. This ensures that our children feel comfortable participating in our programs.

Individual Focus

Just as every child’s relationship to the parent they lost is unique, their challenges when coping with loss are unique. We offer personalized support in addition to our regular programs, to make sure that every child is cared for according to their needs.

No Judgment

Links is more than an organization: We’re a family. We offer the children a space where they can feel safe to be themselves and grieve at their own pace, in their own way. At Links, every child is treasured and treated with love and understanding.

Meet Our Team

We Care, Because We’ve Been There

No one gets what it feels like to lose a parent as well as someone who’s been through it themselves. Our team of staff and volunteers balances experience, empathy, and professionalism by including mentors, mental health professionals, and prominent Rabbanim. 

Founding Team
Rabbi Shmuel Kohn, LMSW
Mrs. Sarah Rivkah Kohn
Mrs. Mimi Gross
Mrs. Mirrel Eissenberg
Rabbinical Advisory Board
Rabbi Yaakov Bender
Rabbi Nosson Muller
Shabbaton Rabbincal Team
Rabbi Angel
Rabbi Paysach Krohn
Rabbi Henoch Plotnik
Rabbi YY Rubinstein
Clinical Team
Mrs. Mindy Blumenfeld, LCSW
Dr. Tziporah Koslowitz
Legally Links
Daniel Danesh, Esq.
Ari Rosenblum
Rebecca Heller, Esq.
Rivky Posner
Chaim Stern, Esq.
Yitzchak Goldsmith, CFP
Lillian Hamadani, CPA
Joshua Kurz, Esq.
Eli Fried
Etty Surkis
Shira Nabatian
Michael Kohan, Esq.
Jida Kababeh, CPA
Sarah Krieger, Esq.
Rivky Fink
Support Staff
Rabbi Chanoch Krohn
Mrs. Esti Bald
Mrs. Miriam Rivky Eizikovitz
Mrs. Idy Fischer
Mrs. Bruchy Grossinger
Mrs. Toby Klein
Mrs. Donna Marcos
Mrs. Malky Nussenzweig
Mrs. Miriam Slomowitz
Mrs. Chana Birnbaum
Mrs. Baila Berger
Rabbi Akiva Adelman
Branch Leadership
Mrs. Simcha Kaminetzky
Mrs. Rachel Grossman
Mrs. Judy Landman
Mrs. Tzippy Neumann
Mrs. Sarah Ottensoser
Miss Elisheva Kagenoff
Event Volunteers
Mrs. Sarah Berman
Mrs. Toby Goldstein
Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson
Mrs. Bella Gottesman
Mrs. Esty Hafner
Mrs. Ellen Lieber
Mrs. Miriam Liebermann
Mrs. Sarah Rivka Pilchick
Mrs. Aliza Safir
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